Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We all want to be a man at some points

I have been obsessed with mannish shoes lately. Used to find them ugly to be honest, I had been a girly girl when it comes to fashion. But then my stylist gave me a short bob and with it comes my sudden crave for less feminine styles. And since I don’t have model legs to wear brogues, I have resorted to heeled loafers. Alexander Wang’s autumn runway loafers are super cute, but I just don’t know what to wear with the metallic mirror colours.

Anyway got these cheap substitutes (no they look nothing like the Alexander Wangs, I just want heeled loafers in general) and they are oh-so-comfy. Definitely not going to be my only pair for this coming autumn.
Patent loafers with front platforms, Staccato
One sad thing about being Asian AND lives in Asia, is that the weather is always stopping you from being fashion forward. Heeled loafers are already everywhere in Europe but it’s still a bit too hot to wear them in Hong Kong - they just don’t go along with my summer wardrobe. Can it not be so hot?